About us

The history of our company began in 2016 when, under the banner of an individual, we started producing plush teddy bears. We were the first manufacturer of plush toys in the Czech Republic to offer plush toys in sizes up to 300 cm.

We registered the brand The Bears®, which is a symbol of our "plush factory," and began supplying our Czech plush toys not only in the Czech and Slovak Republics but also internationally. This is one of the reasons why our brand is in the English language.

At present, we manufacture plush teddy bears, pandas, hearts, and more. You can also find products from our partners, such as music boxes and other gift items.

In 2021, we created a plush teddy bear measuring 430 cm, making us the record holder for the Largest Plush Teddy Bear, which is exhibited at OC Vetos in Benešov. A year later, we decided to produce another record-holder and increased the size to 450 cm. Our latest giant is now on display at the Tower of the Pelhřimov Museum of Records. For more information, please visit the News and Curiosities section.

We are a Czech family company, The Bears®, and we thank you for your interest in our products!




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